Some of it may well be Rocket Science, but ASU’s Recipe for Success is Simple

Jordanian university has built on solid foundations to reach beyond the scope of its peers

The term “pioneering” is often overused, but it’s perfectly accurate when referring to Jordan’s Applied Science Private University (ASU).

The institute of higher learning was founded in Amman 1989, and was the first private university in Jordan. Over the past three decades, it has grown to become one of the largest, too. The ASU has evolved into a hub of knowledge, innovation, and discovery that attracts scholars from around the world.

Applied Science Private UniversityThe university’s sturdy foundation, strong history and academic track record have earned it universal respect as a home of quality education — driven by a holistic vision. The ASU’s mission has always been to embrace internationalisation, sustainability, and innovation. These main pillars continue to support its continuous journey into educational excellence.

The institution has been recognised and honoured for its progress and achievements with prestigious global awards and accreditations. These tributes stand as testimony to its distinction in the field of higher education and quality of the services it provides.

And the ASU vision couldn’t have been more clearly stated: “To be renowned internationally for excellence in teaching and learning, applied scientific research, sustainable development and community services.”

Its mission, likewise, is clear: “To embed creativity, entrepreneurship, and continuous development in the fields of education, scientific research, human resources, and university and community environment; in addition to preparing a qualified generation of graduates that matches national and international standards to serve their communities.”

ASU is an active member of the Erasmus+ programme in partnership with several European universities, supporting more than 180 in- and outbound students and staff mobilities. The university is an active member of the International Association of Universities, the Association of Arab Universities, and the UNIMED Mediterranean University Union. The ASU is also signatory of the United Nation’s Accord on 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Main AwardsDescription
Golden Status (University Level)First Private university in Jordan to be awarded by the Jordanian Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions (AQACHEI).
5 Star PLUS QS Ratings (University Level) In 2023, ASU is first university in in the region and 21st at world level to obtain 5-Star PLUS in the overall ratings, and 5-Star for each category of the QS Stars Ratings System.
5 Star QS Ratings (Online Learning)First private university in Jordan to obtain 5-Star in the online learning by QS Stars Ratings System (2022).
THE Impact Rankings (2021)ASU shared the First place amongst the private higher education institutions in Jordan in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings (2021).
THE Arab Universities Rankings (2021)ASU obtained first place amongst Jordanian private institutions in the Times Higher Education for Citation, Society, and International Outlook metrics.
SCImago Institutions Rankings (2023)ASU is classified as a Q1 university (first Quartile) among the institutes of higher education in Jordan in year 2023. The university has been boosting its investments in research and innovation thus classified as one of the top 5 institutes in Jordan.
CFI AwardsFor the Fifth consecutive year, ASU is a repeat program winner, with the award for Most Innovative Community Impact Research University Middle East (2019-2023) and first-time winner of Best University Internationalization Strategy Middle East (2023).
ESQR AwardESQR (European Society for Quality Research), ASU received the ESQR Quality Achievement Award for year 2021.
ABET Accreditation (Engineering)All Engineering programs accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology).
ABET Accreditation (Computer Science)Computer Science program at the Faculty of Information Technology has also obtained full accreditation by ABET.
ACPE Accreditation (Pharmacy)ACPE (Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education) is recognized by the US Department of Education. The Pharmacy Program is the first among the private universities in Jordan and the middle east to be certified by the ACPE.
ACEN AccreditationACEN (Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing) is specialized accreditation for all levels of nursing education and transition-to-practice programs located in the United States, U.S.  Nursing at ASU is privileged to be the first amongst the private institutions in Jordan to receive the ACEN accreditation.
IIMP AccreditationIIMP (International Institute of Marketing Professionals). The Faculty of Business at ASU is one of the first faculties in Jordan and the middle east to obtain the IIMP certification for all its marketing programs.
AACSB Accreditation (Eligibility Status)AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). The Faculty of Business is a member of AACSB and has also been granted Eligibility Status in preparation for the accreditation by the AACSB.
Hcéres AccreditationHcéres (High Council for the evaluation of Research and Higher Education). The Faculty of Law is the first faculty in Jordan and the 5th in the Middle East to obtain the French accreditation by Hcéres.
ASIC Institutional AccreditationThe Applied Science Private University received Accreditation by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities (ASIC) as a premier Institution (2022).
ASIC – 2022ASIC Awards ASU the Outstanding Achievement in the Development of International Education, as the First Private University in Jordan
CIOL-2023All English Language and Translation programs at the undergraduate and master’s levels, received The Chartered Institute of Linguists accreditation (CIOL).

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