Child Bride Hero Nujood Ali

Nujood Ali

Nujood Ali

Divorce can be a traumatic experience – but for a ten year old?

Nujood Ali, now a fifteen year old activist opposing forced marriage, obtained a divorce five years ago breaking with tribal tradition in the Yemen. The law allows marriage at any age but forbids sexual relations until an undefined age of suitability. Ali’s marriage broke this law because she was raped. Hers was the first such case to be heard in the Yemen.

This young girl wrote her memoirs to encourage other potential child brides in the country. It seems that her campaign will come close to home as a dowry for her younger sister Haifa has been agreed and she is now engaged to a stranger.

“A divorce party – that’s really better than a wedding party!”

A further concern is that their father may have used book royalties meant to finance Nujood’s education for quite different purposes.

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