Hopes and Action for a Secure Colombia

During his eight year presidency, Alvaro Uribe tackled the criminal gangs, armies and random violence that held sway over large areas of his country. His government was virtually facing civil war against well organised forces.  He brought renewed confidence to Colombia and hopes for a brighter future. Mr Uribe’s efforts promise greater safety and prosperity for his people.

Uribe was convinced that his government had to show sufficient military strength – as well as a willingness to compromise – to bring the guerrillas to the negotiating table. His plan paid off.

During his presidency, Uribe made it clear that Colombia’s key priorities for a prosperous society were to challenge terrorism and drug trafficking. He understood that the rule of law is required for the economy in his country to flourish. And he did something about it.

“I will protect all Colombians regardless of whether the attacks come from guerrillas or paramilitaries. No one can feel the owner of the country and no one can feel excluded from the right of property. The basic dream of many Colombians is to have a secure nation, without exclusions, with equity, and without hatred. In the name of justice there cannot be subjection and in the name of peace there cannot be impunity.”

– Álvaro Uribe, Former President, Colombia

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