Meets the Director General of Dubai’s Department of Finance: Abdulrahman Saleh Al Saleh

Abdulrahman Saleh Al Saleh is the director general of the government of Dubai’s Department of Finance (DOF). He is also the chairman of the Dubai Financial Support Fund.

Prior to joining DOF, Mr Al Saleh spent four years as the senior executive director for Corporate Affairs of Dubai Customs (DC). In this role, Mr Al Saleh was responsible for managing the corporate support departments for DC, which included Finance, HR Management, HR Development, and Admin Services.

He also chaired a number of committees in DC such as those that prepared the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT), the Employee Affairs Committee, and the Executive Credit Policy Committee. He was also a member of the Reform & Modernisation Programme Committee and the Information Technology Steering Committee.

Prior to this, Mr Al Saleh held numerous finance and accounting positions for government departments on a local and federal level. He gained experience in chairing and participating in various organisational and strategic committees including the Executive Credit Policy Committee and Task Force for Indirect Taxation.

Mr Al Saleh is a member of Dubai’s Supreme Fiscal Committee and also a board member of Dubai World. He is also a board member of the Federal Tax Authority and a board member of Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC).

Mr Al Saleh was a member of the Higher Committee for the Regulation of the Audit Profession in UAE (2002-2006). He is a fellow member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the UK, and holds an Executive MBA from the American University of Sharjah.

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