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Why Business Leaders Support a Price on Carbon

Climate change can put the resources, supply chains, and infrastructure that companies rely on at risk, while also threatening to roll back decades of global development progress. Business leaders recognize the risks. Several have started to use an internal “shadow

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Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action: Breaking Europe’s Imported Fossil Fuels Addiction

Europe is by far the largest importer of fossil fuel in the world. Recent developments in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq highlight once again how vulnerable our economy is to price spikes, external energy shocks and other regimes’ wishes. Like a

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How to Tame an Unruly Bear

You heed Teddy’s advice: Speak softly and carry a big stick. That’s how a bear is brought to its senses. Hardly rocket science. With his simple, yet effective approach to foreign policy, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) – the 26th US president

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IMF on MENAP: Call for Focus on Job Creation

The near-term economic outlook for the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (MENAP) region has weakened. Difficult political transitions and increased regional uncertainties arising from the complex civil war in Syria and the ongoing developments in Egypt weigh on

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OECD: Time, Trade and Trade Facilitation

Time is money and a lot of money and opportunities are being lost due to painstakingly long customs procedures, waiting times at ports and long lead times. Although “time is money” is a universal idiom, few have looked into how

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Bullish on Chile: Elections Prompt New Thinking

Copper is set for a price rebound. Manufacturing output in China is up more than analysts predicted and that country’s growing demand for refined copper has significantly decreased global stockpiles. Copper prices have already recovered from this year’s low of

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CFI.co Meets Agha Abani

Mr Agha Abani is the founder and CEO of Harrybeat lnternational Services Limited, an oil and gas services company with its corporate head office in Port Harcourt in the Rivers State, Nigeria. Mr Abani is a member of National Association

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Angola: Powering A Booming Economy with Renewables

Alternative, renewable energy is not merely an afterthought in oil-rich Angola as the country seeks to diversify its booming economy. After an absence of three full decades, sugar cane made its return as a cash crop just five years ago

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Karen Agustiawan – Confirmed for Second Term at Pertamina

Karen Agustiawan had her tenure as CEO of PT Pertamina (the Indonesian state owned oil company) extended for a further five years in June this year. In recent years most of her predecessors have not even completed a full term

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Female Head of Petrobras is the ‘Inside Outsider’

As the first female CEO of a major global oil company appointed by Brazil’s first female president, there has been much interest in Maria das Graças Silva Foster. But her acquired role at Petrobras should have come as no surprise.

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