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The 45ᵗʰ US President In His Own Words

In The Art of the Deal, first published in 1987, Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States of America, sums up his modus operandi: “My style of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward. I aim very high, and

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Davos: Globalists Hail President Xi Jinping

This week, China debuts on the world stage as the unlikely saviour of globalism. President Xi Jinping, an ardent nationalist at home, is expected to remind all who care to listen that free trade must be preserved in order to

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Gavin Wilson, CEO IFC AMC: Mobilising Private Capital for Sustainable Development

Building and upgrading the infrastructure to underpin sustainable development in emerging markets and elsewhere requires additional investments estimated at around one trillion dollars annually. To support expected economic growth rates, and meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the McKinsey

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IFC: Addressing Climate Change Can Unlock $23 Trillion-Dollar Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets

By Christian Grossmann and Thomas Kerr The historic Paris climate change agreement entered into force in record speed last November, committing countries to a decarbonized future.  This means that new markets for climate-smart investments are set to grow, as governments

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Ann Low, National Defense University: Excellence in Government through User-Centric Design

Around the world a revolution is occurring, not one of violent upheaval, but one of excellence. Estonia and New Zealand are the oft-cited exemplars of user-friendly eGovernment, but they are not alone. On every continent, government employees are waking up

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Travis Kalanick: Uber or Bust

Whether you’re the old-fashioned type that likes to hail a cab by the roadside or rich enough to have your own driver, it’s likely you’re aware of Uber. The company has entered the global consciousness and become a popular culture

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UNCTAD: A Policy Compact to Get Investment Flowing Again

James Zhan suggests world leaders make a joint effort to formulate effective investment policies to help build investment firepower to face 21st Century development challenges. Forecasts of deeper global economic gloom are tumbling one over the other. The global economy

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Otaviano Canuto, IMF: China’s Spill-Overs on Latin America and the Caribbean

The Chinese economy is rebalancing while softening its growth pace. China’s spillovers on the global economy have operated through trade, commodity prices, and financial channels. The global reach of the effects from China’s transition have recently been illustrated in risk

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Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: Where the Market Stands

The stock exchange industry has been increasingly active in advocating for smart and strategic disclosure of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) performance data. Investors use these non-financial metrics to evaluate the health, resilience, and sustainability of public companies. And

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Otaviano Canuto, IMF: What Happened to World Trade?

World trade suffered another disappointing year in 2015, experiencing a contraction in merchandise trade volumes during the first half and only a low recovery during the second half (Figure 1). While last year’s trade performance can be associated to the

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