Back to homepageBiggest Commodity Price Shock in 50 Years is Here
In addition to death and destruction in Ukraine, the Russian invasion brought several significant shocks to the global economy. The geopolitical consequences of the war reinforce the downward trend in trade globalisation and financial integration, with fresh rounds of disruption
Read MoreCrypto Jitters: Unhinged Stablecoins Add Volatility to an Already Unstable Market
The dig is impossible to resist. On Thursday, tether – the world’s biggest ‘stablecoin’ – briefly became untethered from its dollar peg. tether’s value sank to 95¢ before recovering to 97¢. That may seem a minor oscillation but indicates a
Read MoreCorporate Earnings Fine, Markets Not So Much: Seesawing Stock Markets Rattle Investors
And just like that… the party was over. Wednesday’s stock market rally, sparked by the dovish comments of US Federal Reserve Chairperson Jay Powell, not only fizzled out but reversed with Nasdaq suffering its biggest drop since June 2020. The
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto: Are We on the Verge of a New Commodity Super-Cycle?
Commodity prices have recovered their 2020 losses and, in most cases, are now above pre-pandemic levels (Figure 1). The pace of Chinese growth since 2020 and the economic recovery that has accompanied vaccine rollouts are driving demand upward, while supply
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto: Dependency and Disconnect of U.S. Financial Markets
U.S. stock and corporate bond markets performed extraordinarily well from the March financial shock caused by covid-19 to the end of last month. Then, three consecutive weeks of decline in the three major stock market indexes have been followed this
Read MoreEvan Harvey, Nasdaq: Medium Is the Message – ESG Delivery and Market Distrust
Despite cultural assumptions surrounding content and interpretation, we tend to believe that the way we communicate is meaningful. “In operational and practical fact, the medium is the message” — this sturdy pronouncement from Canadian philosopher and social theorist Marshall McLuhan
Read MoreDavos: Seizing the Moment – Or Not
The man himself was unable to attend the proceedings in Davos – he has other commitments, including an appointment with destiny next Friday. In his stead, the future disruptor-in-chief dispatched his wingman Anthony Scaramucci to Switzerland to make comforting noises.
Read MoreWorld Federation of Exchanges (WFE): Encouraging Investment in Emerging Markets Hinges on Co-operative Effort
Emerging market exchanges and policy makers are keen to encourage international investors, who play an important role in the development of emerging economies’ public markets. International investors can provide additional capital, enhance liquidity, promote greater competitiveness and adherence to standards
Read MoreBahrain Minister of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism Zayed Bin Rashid Al Zayani: Maintaining and Expanding a Leading Edge
The smallest economy of the Gulf Region registered solid growth, adding a robust 2.4% to its GDP over the past 12 months, courtesy of a steady rise in crude oil prices and a buoyant non-oil private sector. Bahrain has little
Read MoreFMO: Unlocking Scale Potential of Green Bonds in India – Lessons from Global Markets
The global green bonds market has gone from strength to strength in recent years, with issuance for 2017 already exceeding $100bn, some $20bn more than the total issuance in 2016 and the first time this benchmark has been breached. According
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