The World Bank: Local Currency Bonds Catch On as Countries Aim to Catch Up

Two years ago, the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation tried something that had never been done in the Dominican Republic. In a bid to increase access to finance to entrepreneurs and home-buyers, the Bank Group’s private sector arm became

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Restoring Public Confidence: Industrialising Delivery of Pension and Retirement Solutions

Over the past century, governments, as well as public and private sector pension and retirement providers, focused on expanding existing and introducing new systems with a core focus on payment of benefits. Strong investment performance limited the perceived need to

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Jacques Delors: Despite Design Flaws Euro Success Assured

Hindsight may offer some comfort and solace from contemporary reality. It is thus that Jacques Delors – aka Mr Euro – concludes that Europe’s much-maligned common currency suffers from a few design flaws. Those imperfections may even have doomed the

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MIGA (World Bank) – A New Boon for Emerging-Market Financing: Achieving Investment-Grade Bonds with MIGA’s Credit Enhancement

Many investors, lenders, and government officials are familiar with the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank Group. For 25 years, the agency has insured investments in developing countries against political risk. This insurance facilitates productive foreign direct

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Saudi Arabia’s Capital Market: Foreign Investors Told “Not Just Yet”

The regulator of the Saudi Arabia stock market – by far the largest of the Gulf Region – isn’t making any promises to foreign investors yet. Former World Bank executive director Mohammed al-Sheikh, now chairman of the Capital Market Authority

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Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Macroeconomics and Stagnation – Keynesian-Schumpeterian Wars

Policy makers in the advanced economies at the core of the global financial crisis can make the claim that they prevented a new “Great Depression”. However, recovery since the outbreak of the crisis more than five years ago has been

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Robert Shiller: Making Sense of the Irrationality of Markets

The question of what motivates a trader to buy or sell shares at any particular moment is probably as old as the stock market itself. Given that trading securities often is a pursuit largely devoid of rational behaviour – though

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Grant Thornton UAE: A Defining Period for UAE Capital Markets

The economy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to grow at a significant pace in 2014 due to an overall positive outlook. With investor confidence building momentum, sustainable growth seems assured. The UAE is particularly noted for possessing

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PwC Study: High Demand for Quality Infrastructure in Emerging Markets

Relentless urbanisation is driving increased demand for higher quality, more affordable and greener urban infrastructure in emerging and developed markets. The world’s cities are already home to more than half the world’s population, and that number is expected to increase

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Ernst & Young, Argentina: Tax Reform Affects Stocks and Dividends

On September 23 of last year a law (nr. 26,893) was introduced which significantly amend the Argentine income tax law. It was published in the Official Bulletin. As an introduction, the main amendments are aimed at levying income tax over

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