Back to homepageA Possible Tug-of-war Between the Fed and the Markets
The projections for United States GDP released by the Federal Reserve on March 17, pointed to a growth rate of 6.5% in 2021, well above December’s 4.2% forecast. Congressional approval of the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion fiscal package and the
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto: Middle-Income Countries Should Not Be Rushed to ‘Graduate’ Status
Many donor countries seem eager to see middle-income countries (MICs) graduate to non-client status in multilateral development institutions before achieving their full development potential. Such institutions can significantly contribute to the sustainable development of MICs, while seizing many benefits from
Read MoreIFC’s Blended Finance Department: Blending Public and Private Finance to Invest in Challenging Markets
What can be done to encourage more private investment in developing countries, especially the poorest and most fragile? This question lies at the heart of the development challenge today. Governments and development institutions alike recognise that the private sector is
Read MoreThe Size of Biden’s Fiscal Package
The monetary policy report submitted by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to the U.S. Congress on Friday Feb. 19 showed that the Fed’s members have improved economic growth expectations for 2021 and 2022, expect lower unemployment
Read MoreOtaviano Canuto: Central Banks and Inequality
While the economic recovery around the world remains uneven, fragile, and unbalanced across sectors, financial markets are generally doing very well, thanks! In the United States, only half of the unemployment caused by the pandemic last year has been reversed,
Read MoreEY Argentina: Argentina Amends Promotional Tax System for Knowledge-Based Firms
With technology disrupting business models in various sectors of the global economy, Argentina has finally introduced tax incentives for knowledge-based industries. Law number 27,506 was first published in the Official Bulletin on June 10, 2019, and established the promotional regime
Read MoreQ&A with Ovais Shabab, Head of Financial Services at KPMG: Investing in People, Creating Jobs, Inventing Strategies — it’s a World of Possibilities for KPMG Network
KPMG is a global network of independent member firms offering audit, tax and advisory services, operating in 147 countries. Here, the firm’s head of financial services, Ovais Shabab, fields questions from What sets KPMG’s professional services apart in KSA?
Read MoreThe Two Sides of Capital Flows into Brazil
There was a significant inflow of funds in Brazil’s external financial account in October and November for investments in both stocks and fixed income instruments. The bulk of the recent inflow has come in a passive way, and it did
Read MoreGeoffrey Okamoto, First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF: Knightmare Uncertainty
The American economist Frank Knight theorised about the difference between risk and uncertainty in his classic book Risk, Uncertainty and Profit. Risk is “a quantity susceptible of measurement.” A precise outcome may not be known, but the probability of a
Read MoreBuilding the Bridge Between Non-financial and Mandatory Reporting
BP CEO Bernard Looney’s courageous announcement that BP will transition to becoming a green energy pioneer shows the need for a new supporting logic for a standard measurement system. If BP is prepared to publicly commit to do the right
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