CFI Top 25 Cities In Emerging Markets To Do Business

CFI has identified the best emerging market cities to do business in this year. We have chosen not to rank the cities as their relative competitiveness really depends on what the company in question is actually seeking as their critical success factors. Company specific issues such as the industry sector, labor requirements and infrastructure needs will also determine the attractiveness of any city and thus makes rankings less meaningful.

CFI works with agencies for foreign direct investment and inwards investment into countries and cities in emerging markets.

Table: CFI Top 25 Cities In Emerging Markets To Do Business 
(In Alphabetical Order)

  • Bangalore
  • Bangkok
  • Beijing
  • Bogota
  • Doha
  • Dubai
  • Hong Kong
  • Istanbul
  • Jakarta
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Lagos
  • Lima
  • Manila
  • Mexico City
  • Moscow
  • Mumbai
  • Panama City
  • Rio de Janiero
  • Riyadh
  • Salvador do Brasil
  • Santiago de Chile
  • Sao Paolo
  • Seoul
  • Shanghai
  • Singapore

Source: CFI, FDI reports, Various

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