Tag "czechia"

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Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås: Why Do Countries Regulate Differently and How Does It Affect Trade?

The case of professional services in the European Union. Explicit barriers to cross-border trade in services are rare… Since services have been considered non-tradable in the past, explicit policy barriers to cross-border trade in services are rare. Nevertheless, in the

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Panama – A Tax Friendly Environment for Foreign Investors

By Luis E. Ocando Bustamante, International Tax Partner of Ernst & Young, Panama, Central America, and Dominican Republic. The economic boom of Panama [1] has been accompanied by changes in its tax system, making Panama more attractive for foreign investors, especially for multinational

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World Bank Group: Create Jobs by Focusing Industries to be Competitive

Focusing Investment in Industries Poised for Growth Can Help Generate Jobs, Income and Wealth.  By Janamitra Devan Job creation is the top priority of governments worldwide, as countries large and small struggle to overcome the prolonged global economic downturn. Amid

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