The International Financial Institutions: Collaboration for Development and Growth

Leaders of the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank Group pledged on February 26, 2013 close collaboration to support development and growth. The leaders emphasized the need

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WTO Reaches Out to the Business Community

At an event held  for the business community at the WTO headquarters on 21 February 2013, the organisation announced the results of a recent survey of businesses and launched a dedicated web area for business on the WTO website. It

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UN Initiative to Eliminate Energy Poverty

Supermodel and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Gisele Bündchen is joining former United States Vice President Al Gore to urge support for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s initiative to achieve universal access to modern energy services by 2030. In ads that started

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Corruption: Eating at the Fabric of Afghan Society

The total cost of corruption in Afghanistan has significantly increased over the past three years to $3.9 billion, according to a United Nations survey released this month, which says that in spite of fewer people paying bribes, the practice is

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Thanks for giving us Space, Juan

There were some very good reasons that the Industrial Revolution happened in Britain. Of course, natural resources were plentiful but that was equally true elsewhere in Europe and the world at large. The same can be said of people with

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DESERTEC Foundation Endorses DESERTEC Power for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

DESERTEC Power was established to advance the energy supply in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This follows the direction of the Kingdom to significantly increase the sustainable power generation from renewable energy sources with viable, feasible, efficient, and sustainable solutions

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Banque Misr Liban: Committed to Excellence in Service Poised for Strong and Sound Future Growth

A number of factors help Banque Misr Liban to stand out in Lebanon’s relatively crowded and competitive banking sector. It is one of Lebanon’s oldest banks as it was established in 1929 and ranks number 3 on the official historical

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IMF Support for Sri Lanka’s Economic Reform Programme

An IMF staff mission visited Colombo January 30 – February 13 to discuss possible financial support for Sri Lanka’s economic reform agenda under an Extended Fund Facility. The mission met with government and Central Bank officials, as well as representatives

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THE UN and Water Management

The United Nations has launched the International Year of Water Cooperation, which seeks to provide a platform for countries to collaborate in the management of this precious resource in the interest of peace and development. “Water is central to the

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Developing Countries Face Higher Trade Costs

Although the international economy has integrated considerably in recent decades, a new database developed jointly by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the World Bank reveals that trade costs fall disproportionately on

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