The Changing Face of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): A Greater Focus on the Emerging Markets?

The theme of this year’s Annual Investment Meeting (AIM), which will take place in Dubai on the 8th – 10th April 2014, is Investment Partnerships for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Frontier and Emerging Markets.  If representatives of 165 countries

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Fata Morgana in the High Alps: Musings on Davos

While currencies crumbled in emerging markets ranging from Turkey to Argentina, the world’s mostly self-appointed leaders and assorted hangers-on gathered in Davos, Switzerland to assure global audiences that the future looks bright and promising indeed. Keep Calm and Carry On.

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PwC, South Africa: Entertainment & Media in Africa – On the Move, Changing Shape & Going Mobile

Digitisation and mobile access are changing the landscape of the South African entertainment and media industry. In South Africa, as in other markets worldwide, consumers’ access to entertainment and media content are being democratised by the expansion of the Internet

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José Piñera Echenique: Robbing the State of Its Piggy Bank

Chile owes a debt of gratitude to the Piñera family. This debt may not always be universally acknowledged but most Chileans would readily agree that the Piñeras have played a key role in the country’s politics and economics over the

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World Bank Group: Spurring Job Growth in the Western Balkans – Research and Innovation

By Paulo Correa and Christopher Colford Promoting economic growth and job creation requires innovative industries that can make imaginative use of business opportunities springing from new technologies and research and development (R&D) activities. But not every economy can develop a Silicon Valley

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EPC: A New Deal for Growth and Jobs in the Eurozone Revisited

By Fabian Zuleeg At the EPC breakfast on 28 January, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde will launch a book on Jobs and Growth: Supporting the European Recovery[1], containing detailed policy analysis and recommendations. The book is a further sign that there

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IFC Champions Water Efficiency in China’s Textile Industry

China’s vast textile industry is a boon to the country’s economy, but consumes high volumes of water. This is a problem at a time when water pollution keeps deteriorating in China, with increasingly less clean water available for households, industry,

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Warren Buffett: Common Sense Billionaire – Please Tax Me More

The wizard, oracle or sage from Omaha: The world’s richest inhabitant, Warren Buffett (83), has been awarded a great many honours and names. However, Great Storyteller is the one that possibly describes him best. Mr Buffett has a way with

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Manal al-Sharif: Empowering Women with the Roar of an Engine

Ms Manal al-Sharif was filmed in the commission of a crime as she was driving down the road. In fact, her driving of a motor vehicle constituted the offense. Ms Al-Sharif was driving in Saudi Arabia. The video of the

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Lars Peter Hansen: Professor Pleads for Acknowledgment of Knowledge Gap

Professor Lars Hansen is the first to admit that even in economic science, certainties are few and far in between. In fact, the Nobel laureate has dedicated a large part of his life in academia to the study of uncertainties

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