A Question of Balance Finds Fine Solution with Fiduciaria Central

President: Oscar de Jesús Marín

President: Oscar de Jesús Marín

From its headquarters in Bogota and Medellin, Fiduciaria Central works to build trust and reach the goals of its clients — Colombian nationals and foreign investors — always with the intent to stimulate the socio-economic development of Colombia.

Fiduciaria Central is a subsidiary of IDEA (Institute for the Development of Antioquia) and was founded in 1992; its corporate purpose is the celebration and execution of contracts and operations of the fiduciary activity, subject to the restricted requirements and limitations imposed by the Colombian laws, all of those contained in the Organic Statute of the Financial System, the Colombian Commercial Code and the External Circulars issued by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.

Its position in the sector makes it a crucial partner for projects that cover a range of sectors. Starting with hotel tourism and real estate of all types, including VIS, VIP, VIPA, from strata 3 to 6 throughout the national territory; as well as some commercial enterprises and reaches departments and municipalities that no other company does, helping them to unite each other behind the cause of corporate social responsibility.

Fiduciaria has developed a portfolio of products and services that covers management of investment funds, business administration and payments, legal representation of bondholders and administration of pension liabilities. The main objective of Fiduciaria Central is to serve as a financial facilitator between companies and businesses, helping to “untie knots in the economic process”, fact that helped the fiduciary to consolidate as a financially stable entity and allows it to project itself in the future as the fiduciary with the greater participation in regional and national development.

The company was acquired at the beginning of the 21st Century by the IDEA, led by the current Fiduciaria Central president, Oscar de Jesús Marín, who was then serving as IDEA manager at the time and returned to the fiduciary in 2016, seeking to promote the consolidation of the company, its positioning in the market and its participation and performance at national level. Marín had accumulated extensive experience in his political career prior to his Fiduciaria appointment, which has allowed him to understand the importance of service and leadership. Those values continue to permeate the corporate culture of the fiduciary, inspiring team members to strive for shared business objectives.

Fiduciaria Central has developed several high impact projects that have boosted national economic growth and strengthened national infrastructure. Marín has demonstrated exemplary leadership as a president, taking on the task of applying financial inclusion strategies that have helped lower-income families become homeowners, and have generated jobs for indigenous communities. The residents of remote areas of Colombia are both the native labour force and the beneficiaries of the fiduciary’s business developments. It works both ways, meaning that Fiduciaria Central recognises the company would not exist without the goodwill of the people. It cares about the welfare of employees and their families and accepts responsibility for all regulatory compliance with government authorities. With these pillars, it builds support systems for local communities.

Good corporate governance is evident in all Fiduciaria Central’s operations, balancing the need for corporate transparency and respect for customers with the confidentiality of their information. Under Marín’s leadership, Fiduciaria Central has reached one of the most important accomplishments for finantial entities, garnering an AAA credit rating for the efficient management of its portfolio in the 2019 term.

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