Barış Öney is a Man of Many Talents — and Apparently Endless Energy

The founder of Globalturk Capital, Barış Öney, has many strings to his bow — and many successes to his name.

Barış Öney, founder and managing partner of Globalturk Capital, has over 30 years of experience in pre- and post-investment management, private equity, private credit, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, and IPOs.

Founder and Managing Partner: Barış Öney

Founder and Managing Partner: Barış Öney

He is a GPCA CEE Leadership Council member and Türkiye’s country representative. Öney has managed more than 300 cross-border M&A and private capital transactions and IPOs, project finance, privatisation, due-diligence and valuation projects — on sell- and buy side — for clients including large conglomerates and SMEs.

The volume of transactions he has managed amounts to more than $5bn. In his 13-plus years at the head of Globalturk Capital, which has offices in London and Istanbul, he has been “hands-on” as an M&A transaction advisor (sell- and buy side) for corporates, private equity and venture capital funds.

Globalturk Capital takes co-investment minority positions selectively with private-equity investors. It has been active in Türkiye and surrounding regions, the UK, Europe, the US, China and emerging markets.

Prior to establishing Globalturk Capital, the founder was involved in setting up and managing investment banking and corporate finance advisory practices. He has worked in three of the most renowned financial institutions in Türkiye: Deloitte (where he was a partner), Yapi Kredi Yatirim (acting deputy general manager) and TSKB (senior director). He has also managed strategic international business development function in the M&A department of the Turkcell Group, as group head.

He ran landmark IPOs out of Türkiye as project manager for Turkcell, Sabancı Holding, Sasa, Vestel, Baticim, Penguen,  Tekfen Holding. He has overseen privatisation projects, such as that of Turkish Airlines, Tupras Refineries and other institutions. as lead manager/advisor or global co-ordinator in the institutions he worked for.

For over a decade, Öney acted as a project manager, project engineer, and advisor in the oil and gas and chemicals sectors with clients including P&G, Fluor Daniel, Turkish Petroleum, and Genel Energy.

Barış Öney holds a MSc degree from the University of Texas, Austin, as a Fulbright scholar. He has also earned a BSc degree from the Middle East Technical University and a Corporate Finance Diploma from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW).

Öney has served as a board or an executive committee member in leading business organisations, such as DEİK/TAIK, TUSİAD, TUBİSAD, Endeavor and KİD. He continues to be in the relevant working committees and ad hoc brainstorming groups of these organisations. From time-to-time, he steps in as the nominee director for EBRD in its portfolio of companies, as well as sitting on the executive and advisory boards and investment committees of numerous companies and private equity funds — in Türkiye and abroad.

Öney is also GPCA’s CEE Leadership Council member and the Türkiye Country Representative. He is the founding and advisory board member of the Women in Technology Association.

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