WorldPensionSummit 2013

13-14 November 2013 | Amsterdam


WorldPensionSummit is the only platform ‘for and by’ Pension Professionals. At the Summit you can exchange knowledge and share the latest innovative ideas for a sustainable pension provision. The WorldPensionSummit 2013 offers key analysis, insights and ample room for discussion amongst peers. Experience the many ‘crossroads in pensions’ in plenary sessions. Choose from the 35 dedicated tracks and special Summit briefings. Meet top experts and key authorities in the field of retirement management, pension fund strategy, social security, employee benefits. Learn from key questions and actual best practices in Pensions. More than 350 pension professionals from over 45 countries meet at the Summit every year!


For REGISTRATION & INFORMATION go to Use the special conference code for 20% discount: MEDIA2013WPS20

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