Dr. Jackson Urges an Holistic Perpective

Few would deny that parts of the capitalist system – in particular its banking and financial services – are in need of urgent attention.  We should also be alert to the effects of our continuously increasing demands on the world’s limited natural resources. 

Once again – although we are optimistic – these are concerns that are relevant to the CFI.co agenda and so we strongly applaud this hero.

Ross Jackson and his wife Hildur (under the Gaia movement) are pioneers of green energy and eco-villages – some of which are to be found in the emerging markets.

Dr Jackson, whose achievements in business – including hedge fund management – are considerable, offers in-depth solutions to our current problems and rejects the option of maintaining the status quo. His book Occupy World Street deserves a wide readership. He has an extraordinarily powerful intellect and favours a holistic perspective.

“Therefore, I will go on record again with the pretty much the same statement that I made over ten years ago. The current global financial system is systemically unstable and flawed and continues to be an accident waiting to happen.”

We recommend our readers to consider for themselves the proposals Jackson makes for the rehabilitation of those flawed systems of trade and finance that threaten economic and social progress and cause damage to the environment to the detriment of future generations.

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