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World Bank Group: Should Oil Exporters Shift Capital Stock to Renewables?

As the Financial Times pointed out recently, oil companies such as ExxonMobil and Shell would, under measures considered for the global climate pact to be sealed in Paris next year, cease to exist in their current forms in 35 years.

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Otaviano Canuto, IMF: How Commodity-Dependent Are Latin American Economies?

The end of the upswing phase of the commodity price super-cycle, after its peak in 2011, has lowered economic growth prospects in most of Latin America. While that broad statement can hardly be disputed, Chapter 3 of the latest IMF

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Adel S Al-Ghamdi: Saudi Stock Exchange Opts for Quality

Adel S Al-Ghamdi leads the Saudi Stock Exchange, the largest and most liquid in the Middle East and North Africa, since July 2013 when he left his job as general manager of the Corporate Finance and Issuance Division at the

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Volatility in Chinese Stock Values: Potentially Much More Dangerous than a Greek Tragedy?

The problems facing the global economy in the event of a Greek exit from the euro zone could be dwarfed into insignificance by downward movements on the Chinese Stock Markets. In 1989, Margaret Thatcher  famously declared:  “You can’t buck the

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All Eyes on Greece: Is the IMF Asking for More than PM Tsipras Can Deliver?

Financial markets around the world slipped today on growing fears that Greece may be unable to reach an agreement with her international creditors and thereby default on a $1.6 billion loan repayment due this month. Failure to repay could result

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World Bank: Asian Countries are among Top Achievers on Sustainable Energy Progress

Asian countries are making a vital contribution to achieving global sustainable energy goals, a new World Bank report finds. But while the region performs strongly on ensuring electricity access for people and using more modern renewable energy, there is room

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The Time Is Now: Paradigm Shift Signals Opportunity

Few people realise that in 2013 a turning point was reached. In that year, emerging economies displaced developed markets as the main engines of global economic growth. This was not a one-off event or an oddity: it signalled no less

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Russia – Moving Borders Politely

Vladimir Putin’s index finger is hovering over the, presumably red, button that activates nuclear Armageddon. The president of Russia threatened to bring the finger down should NATO further reinforce its defence of the Baltic States or make any attempt, covert

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British Referenda and Europe: Patience Is a Conquering Virtue

Afflicted by a veritable referendum craze, Britain seems set to question its very existence. In the wake of a stunning victory at the polls, the Scottish National Party (SNP) is looking to exploit its near-monopoly on politics north of The

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