Asia Pacific
Back to homepageOtaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: BRICS Apart as Oil Prices Plunge
The oil price plunge since last June has been deemed, overall, as a boon for the global economy. However, that depends on where one stands as a producer or user, as illustrated here with the divergence of impacts on BRICS
Read MoreProposed China Pakistan Economic Corridor: With a Price Tag of $46 billion
China’s president Xi Jinping arrived in Islamabad on Monday 20 April for talks with Pakistani president Nawaz Sharif, to address parliament and make clear to the world a very obvious power shift from West to East. Xi Jinping has agreed
Read MoreWorld Bank Group Increased Support for Reforms to Accelerate Economic Growth
Annette Dixon, new Vice President of World Bank Group’s South Asia Region made an introductory visit to Pakistan from April 1 to 4, 2015. She called upon Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and met with the Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and
Read MoreGovernment of India and World Bank Sign $500 Million Agreement to Improve Access to Finance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
The Government of India and the World Bank today signed a $500 million loan agreement for the MSME Growth Innovation and Inclusive Finance Project to improve access to finance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) working in the manufacturing
Read MoreSeven Days of Mourning for Lee Kuan Yew, Architect of Modern Singapore
Singapore is now mourning its founding father, Lee Kuan Yew who died from pneumonia on March 23rd, aged 91 years. This towering giant of the region ruled his country for three decades overseeing the country’s independence from Britain (1963), its
Read MoreContainers on Rail: China’s Next Big Opportunity in Supply-Chain Logistics
The transportation of containers by rail could grow substantially in China, especially if the nation continues adopting the kind of operating practices and regulatory reforms that have boosted the development of the North American rail network, according to a new
Read MoreEgypt: Set for Growth and Showcasing Opportunities
As the most populous Arab country with over 88 million inhabitants, Egypt has a definitive edge over most other emerging economies: a robust domestic market that allows for economies of scale. That – and the country’s privileged geographic position at
Read MoreChina: Now You See It, Now You Don’t
At long last, China is living its very own Silent Spring. Or not. Since late February, well over 300 million Chinese have watched the 103-minute online documentary Under the Dome – a powerful crowd-funded exposé of air pollution and other
Read MoreNew World Bank Green Bond Is a Story of Market Growth and Innovation
Green bonds have created a new way for investors to achieve the return they need while also supporting climate-friendly development projects. Many long-term investors today consider climate risk and sustainability in their investment choices. The investor base in green bonds
Read MoreMIGA (World Bank): FDI – Treading Carefully into Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations
More than 1.5 billion people – about one in five of the global population – live in what the World Bank Group terms “fragile and conflict-affected situations” (FCS). For many investors, these countries are “no-go” zones due to their weak
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