Corporate Tax and Transfer Pricing Forum Brazil

Melia Jardim Europa

Melia Jardim Europa

With frequent and significant changes occurring to Brazil’s corporate tax and transfer pricing rules in the last year, it is critical that companies quickly adjust to the new landscape in order to avoid investigations, litigation and huge fines which can severely impact profitability.

C5’s practical conference on Corporate Tax and Transfer Pricing (Monday, March 24th to Tuesday March 25th, 2014 at Melia Jardim Europa, São Paulo, Brazil) will provide you with the critical information you require to ensure your company can successfully adapt to the raft of recent changes and ensure effective tax planning and compliance.

Leading tax experts will share their vast knowledge, experiences and best practices, providing practical guidance on the recent changes and strategies on how to adapt to the new market conditions. By attending this event you will be able to establish effective tax planning processes that are compliant with the new rules, which will significantly reduce the tax risks for your company.

Do not miss this truly unique opportunity to meet key market participants and get a comprehensive analysis of the rapidly evolving corporate tax and transfer pricing landscape, which will help you to develop the best strategies for your company.


Official conference languages are English and Brazilian-Portuguese. Simultaneous translation is provided during both days of the event. subscribers get a 10% discount on the conference fee – please quote the code 637CFI in order to activate the discount.

In order to register please contact C5:
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7878 6888
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7878 6887

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