World Pension Summit 2012

14 -16 NOVEMBER 2012

WorldPensionSummit is the platform ‘for and by’ Pension Professionals, exchanging knowledge and sharing the latest insights on Securing Sufficient Pension Provision.

  • Over 300 pensions professionals from 42 countries attended the Summit in 2011
  • The WorldPensionSummit is the only objective and strategic event of its kind, with 100% free of ‘sales presentations’
  • Interactive sessions, educational platforms, with strategic impact & unmatched networking
  • WorldPensionSummit offers a certified program by EBTN – the permanent learning standard for the Financial Services Industry

Key Topics Are: 

Creating a sustainable pension provisionThe importance of corporate pensions and the revival of employee benefits | employer services | Managing risk and maximizing return | Creative next steps related to ageing | Creating essential pension awareness with participants | Downsizing the administrative complexity( (cost | transparency) | Managing the economic outlook (long term vs short term) | The disparities between pension systems and the issue of mobility

Check out the program details on


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