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HSBC: Best Global Research Team Banking 2015

This year, HSBC celebrates its 150th anniversary. The bank was established in 1865 with the express purpose of financing trade between Europe and Asia. This aim has remained unchanged throughout the years: HSBC still sees its role as one of

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Bank of New York Mellon: Best Wealth Manager United States 2015

Established in 1784 by Alexander Hamilton, one of the United States founding fathers and the first Secretary of the Treasury of the new-born republic, Bank of New York Mellon has endured throughout the centuries to become one of the largest

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MetLife: Best Insurance Company United States 2015

A good life insurance company inspires confidence in order that families may face an uncertain future with a much-reduced level of concern. However, a truly great insurance provider takes this level of assurance a few steps further and can support

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DLA Piper: Best Cross-Border Transaction Team Global 2015

Rationalising corporate operations and processes across markets and borders is both challenging and rewarding. The benefits to all stakeholders can be very high indeed. However, success is unlikely to be attained without proper tax and regulatory planning. These are the

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Commonwealth Bank: Best Retail Banking Team Bahamas 2015

A financial partner to the working Bahamian since its foundation in 1960, Commonwealth Bank has become a cornerstone of the island nation’s economy. Now a household name, Commonwealth Bank dominates the retail market with a broad palette of services geared

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TD Bank: Best Green Bank North America 2015

While elsewhere in the world forests are cleared by the football field, in Canada they become protected at a similar clip. Since 2012, TD Forests – an initiative of TD Bank (Toronto-Dominion Bank) – has been working with The Nature

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Mack International: Best Investment Manager Executive Search Firm United States 2015

For most family offices, finding the right professional to manage their wealth is a challenge fraught with danger and lined with uncertainty. The quest to identify that one professional with the expertise – and the personality – to best serve

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Seabury: Best Aviation M&A Advisory Team Global 2015

Fuel price volatility, global booms or busts, and other major events regularly force the airline industry to adapt its business model in order to stay aloft. Helping airlines face the many challenges, and the sequential changes they impose, is Seabury

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Mercury Capital Advisors Group Best Fund Raising Team Global 2014

Mercury Capital Advisors Group have perfected flat management within the company, creating a team where everyone takes responsibility for their actions and strives to exceed expectations. The Judging Panel felt that through an emphasis on teamwork, Mercury Capital Advisors Group

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Auerbach Grayson: Best Frontier Markets Institutional Brokerage USA 2014

Act globally, think locally. This motto encompasses the philosophy of New York-based international brokerage firm Auerbach Grayson. Serving US institutional investors, the firm has established a strategic presence in nearly 130 markets via exclusive partnerships with each country’s leading brokerage

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