Steward Redqueen: Best Emerging Markets ESG Advisory Team Global 2015

Incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) parameters into day-to-day business operations constitutes a classic case of easier-said-than-done. Though a great many companies are eager to comply, and recognise the paramount importance of putting their processes and operations on a sustainable

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DLA Piper: Best Cross-Border Transaction Team Global 2015

Rationalising corporate operations and processes across markets and borders is both challenging and rewarding. The benefits to all stakeholders can be very high indeed. However, success is unlikely to be attained without proper tax and regulatory planning. These are the

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Casinos Austria International: Best Gaming Operations Europe 2015

With gambling and gaming steadily moving online, the brick-and-mortar casino industry is meeting the challenge head-on by upgrading facilities emphasising the unique experience of class, fun, and social interaction that, for all its prowess, the virtual world has been unable

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Hellenic Bank Group: Best Corporate Governance Cyprus 2015

In challenging or lean times, strict adherence to corporate governance best practices enables corporations to weather storms and streamline operations in order to hit the ground running when economic recovery sets in. More than just a survival strategy, the principles

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UBP: Best Private Bank UAE 2015

Performance and preservation of capital: Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), founded in 1969 and with over CHF98.7bn ($101bn) in assets under management, is one of the premier private banks in Switzerland guided by time-honoured principles and well-established practices. The UBP Dubai

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Earthport: Best Cross-Border Money Transfer Solutions Global 2015

You’d think that in this age of computers and lightning-fast Internet money can easily and instantly be transferred to anywhere. You’d be wrong – in fact, dead wrong. Money moves slowly, and agonisingly so, across numerous banking hubs as it

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FinecoBank: Best European Financial Advisory Team 2015

The first to launch an online trading platform for retail investors in 1999, Italy’s FinecoBank is accustomed to taking the lead. Now with over a million accountholders, Fineco Bank is amongst the largest multichannel direct banks in Italy. In 2007,

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Golden Assets: Best Financial Advisory Team Portugal 2015

Catering premier advisory services to investors across the entire risk spectrum, Golden Assets remains true to its name since 2000 when the firm was formed to bridge the gap between Portugal’s uniquely complex investment profile and the global investor community

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Turyap: Best Property Auctions Europe 2015

Brick and mortar investments rule in Turkey. The nation’s investors prefer real estate to any other form of investment. Historically, Turkish savers have considered the property market as the safest of havens. The country is currently living a veritable real

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InverCaixa Gestión: Best Fixed-Income Fund Management Team Spain 2015

With close to €40bn under management, InverCaixa Gestión has now overtaken its nearest rival for the top spot on Spain’s ranking of largest domestic mutual fund managers. A wholly-owned subsidiary of CaixaBank Group, InverCaixa Gestión saw its AuM (assets under

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