SMIT Moroccan Agency for Tourism Development: Best Tourism Investment Promotion Team North Africa 2023

SMIT Moroccan Agency For Tourism Development

Moroccan Agency For Tourism Development CEO Imad Barrakad

CEO Imad Barrakad

The Moroccan Agency for Tourism Development (SMIT) counts its people among its most valued resources. The agency has established a work culture where talents are nurtured and human potential maximised. SMIT has a multidisciplinary team with backgrounds in engineering, architecture, communications and financial markets. The investment promotion team provides high-touch, concierge-style support for private and public investors. It offers detailed analyses concerning a project’s feasibility, development and profitability. SMIT shares insights and information to help investors better understand Morocco’s tourism industry and make the most of its competitive positioning. Tourism accounts for 7.1 percent of the country’s GDP — and SMIT is striving to attract more visitors and investors. It capitalises on a network of international partners to position Morocco as a prime destination for tourism investment and development. It helps SMEs and entrepreneurs connect with the funding to finance tourism projects and helps investors find promising projects to back. SMIT is headquartered in Rabat with additional offices in Tangier and Agadir. The agency encourages continuous learning among its workforce and organises training courses for new recruits and ongoing skills development. SMIT hopes to stimulate professional growth throughout the workforce via a mobility programme offering dynamic career development prospects and a dedicated manager to guide employees’ journey. The agency is governed by a value system rooted in transparency, teamwork, innovation and excellence. The jury announces SMIT as the 2023 award winner for Best Tourism Investment Promotion Team (North Africa).

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