ENGIE Energía Perú: Best ESG Power Provider Peru

Mr Rik De Buyserie, CEO ENGIE Energía Peru and Country Manager ENGIE Peru and Marcelo Soares, CFO ENGIE Energía Peru
In Peru, ENGIE is one of the country’s principal power generators with an installed capacity exceeding 2,500MW. The company operates five thermoelectric plants and two hydroelectric facilities.
Since it started operations in Peru in 1997, ENGIE Energía Perú has demonstrated its willingness to become a benchmark in the local electricity market. This intent has strengthened in the last six years, with ambitious investment plans, high operating standards, an orderly financial management, a business strategy focused on high-value clients, a culture aimed at enhancing human talent and safety, and relations that add value to the company’s neighbour communities.
In line with its corporate greening strategy, ENGIE Energía Perú has dedicated resources for the construction of a solar power plant in Moquegua, some 1,100 kilometres south of Lima. The region is to host a number of large solar power facilities. ENGIE’s Intipampa plant entails a $55m investment and will inject 40MW into the national power grid.
ENGIE Energía Perú is part of the French global power utility ENGIE, with operations in 70 countries. Globally, ENGIE develops its businesses (power, natural gas, energy services) around a model based on responsible growth to take on the major challenges of energy’s transition to a low-carbon economy: access to sustainable energy, climate-change mitigation and adaptation and the rational use of resources. In 2015, the company unveiled an ambitious plan to move away from fossil fuels. ENGIE has earmarked more than $22bn for investment in renewables and decentralised energy technologies that use smaller high efficiency generating facilities with much reduced carbon footprints.
A recognised pioneer of corporate sustainability, ENGIE Energía Perú has incorporated sound environmental management according to strict ESG (environmental, social, and governance) standards in all day-to-day operations and processes. The company’s prudential management of risk has allowed it to close 2017 without any environmental incidents or non-compliance marks.
A repeat winner, ENGIE Energía Perú is not an unknown entity to the CFI.co judging panel. The judges are pleased to note that the company consistently improves its environmental record and is determined to excel in sustainability. The judges are therefore happy to declare ENGIE Energía Perú winner of the 2017 Best ESG Power Provider Peru Award.