Globalturk Capital: Excellence in Facilitating International Expansion and Investments Türkiye 2024

Founder and Managing Partner: Barış Öney

Founder and Managing Partner: Barış Öney

Globalturk Capital, founded in January 2011, has dedicated itself to assisting Turkish companies in their global expansion and foreign direct investors’ entry to Türkiye. This focused investment advisory firm differentiates itself from traditional mergers and acquisitions and private equity advisors through a holistic approach, promoting strategic growth with a long-term vision, like a merchant bank. The firm supports private equity investors who invest in companies it advises with a vested interest during the post-transaction period. As a gateway for private capital in Türkiye and environs, Globalturk Capital’s unique model fosters harmony between local companies and international direct investors. The firm’s strategic partnership with Global Private Capital Association – GPCA, based in New York (formerly Emerging Markets Private Equity Association – EMPEA) underscores its influential position in facilitating international investments. It actively engages in significant efforts to enhance global integration, hosting large events and roundtables in key financial hubs like London, Washington DC, New York and Istanbul since 2015 often featuring high-profile participants including top-level private capital executives, advisory service providers, corporates and Turkish and UK political leaders and ministers. Globalturk Capital also supports regional development by enhancing interaction and corporate collaboration, particularly in collaborating with GPCA, the London Stock Exchange Group and international financial corporations, and producing insightful reports on the investment and business landscape covering Türkiye and environs and broadcasts those reports to the global investment and business community. Globalturk Capital has been contributing to Türkiye’s economic development by promoting Türkiye as a unique investment destination to foreign capital via such global investor gatherings and report publications. The firm’s commitment to supporting Türkiye and environs in fostering private capital interaction is unparalleled, and its role as a key player in cross-border mergers and acquisitions is well-recognized. The Judging Panel congratulates Globalturk Capital on winning the 2024 award for Excellence in Facilitating International Expansion and Investments (Türkiye).