TGE – Polish Power Exchange: Best Sustainable Commodities Exchange Central Europe 2020


Over the past two decades, TGE (Towarowa Giełda Energii – Polish Power Exchange) has played a crucial role in the development of the national energy market and economy. The Warsaw-based company is a pioneer of commodities trading, from spot to forward markets, with its own licensed clearing house to operate a regulated market. TGE is active in four main commodity markets — electricity, natural gas, property rights and CO2-emission allowances — under the regulation and oversight of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. For many years, TGE has been involved in building a common European energy market. TGE is the Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) for the Polish pricing area and has also been a full member of the PCR project since 2015. TGE is included on the ACER’s list of platforms for reporting transaction information according to REMIT requirements.

Last year, TGE opened its cross-border SIDC market based on the XBID model, which connects domestic electricity Intraday Markets within the European Union and enables continuous cross-border trading among entities in most European countries. At the start of 2020, TGE announced a new addition to its line-up: the agricultural and food commodities market. Maintaining regulatory compliance with national and regional standards of corporate governance is of paramount importance to the exchange, as this leads to sustainable success and a solid reputation. TGE enjoys strong word-of-mouth referrals, and increased transparency promotes a better understanding of trading conditions — which in turn results in a boost for trading skills and stakeholder trust. TGE professionals are knowledgeable and confident in their ability to seize upon opportunities while minimising risk. They think critically and react decisively in a dynamic business environment. The team pulls together to advance the organisation by focusing on results-driven strategies and projects. The judging panel recognises the distinctive role TGE has played in the development of the European commodities markets and energy sector. The judges congratulate TGE Polish Power Exchange, winner of the 2020 award for Best Sustainable Commodities Exchange Central (Europe).