Zenith Bank:
A Winner in Nigeria

The Bank was named Best Commercial Bank, Africa this year in view of its sterling work at home over the past 22 years and given the excellent progress it has made in other markets within Africa and further afield.  Zenith

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For the Second Year Running: SBM is Named Best Bank, Mauritius

The State Bank of Mauritius, one of the country’s largest financial institutions, is strengthening its leadership position year by year. Noting the bank’s excellent results, the CFI.co Judging Panel was unanimous in naming SBM as Best Bank Mauritius for the

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Global Award for SunTec: Best Banking Systems, Services & Solutions Provider

A value proposition without equal: The SunTec success formula is both straightforward and simple. It is also what swayed the CFI.co Judging Panel. SunTec services the global banking industry and has become a world leader in providing bespoke and compelling

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Zimbabwe Research Team IH Securities Wins CFI’s Southern Africa Award for 2013

The CFI Judging Panel is delighted that IH Securities, Zimbabwe, has been dedicated to the sort of key, client- focused and world-class services that justify a pan Southern Africa award in the 2013 Exchanges and Broker Awards Programme. The firm’s

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Banco de Fomento: Best Community Engagement Programme, Angola, 2013

The CFI.co Judging Panel has no hesitation in recognising the community engagement programme set up and managed by the Banco de Fomento Angola SA’s as best in the country. The panel was delighted with the results of the bank’s Social

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CFI.co’s Winner in Kenya: British American Insurance Company

One of Kenya’s largest insurances companies, British American has overseas offices in London, Mauritius and Malta and is a subsidiary of the British American Investment Company. With a management style both charismatic and inspiring, the CFI.co Judging Panel considers the

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CSL: Best Institutional Brokerage, Nigeria, 2013

Institutional interest in the Nigerian markets has been growing rapidly as Nigeria moves from being a frontier to an emerging market. Levels of transparency and governance are continuing to improve both at government and corporate levels. To attract the levels

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The Shape of a Smile: Heineken Wins CFI Nigeria Best Brand Award, 2013

The word famous Heineken brand is represented in Nigeria by co-titan Nigerian Breweries PLC which was established in 1946 and is the largest brewer in the country. Nigerian Breweries has a portfolio of high quality beverage products of enviable and

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ARM Investment Managers Named Best Fund Manager, Nigeria

The opportunities for domestic and international investors as Nigeria moves from a frontier to an emerging market should not be under-estimated but one should also be aware of the risks. To take best advantage of the opportunities that Nigeria and

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Dateline Energy: Moving Forward Confidently in Nigeria

The CFI judging panel congratulates Dateline Energy Services on its recent restructuring and the creation of new platforms to ensure competitiveness in a tough market place. Dateline has a good record of working for a major international player having created

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