Red & White Consulting Partners: Best Business Transformation Consultancy Boutique Singapore 2016

Cutting through the clutter, armed with vast amounts of data and a wide array of analytical tools, Red & White Consulting Partners of Singapore offers a holistic approach to address any issue – from the most mundane to the wildly esoteric – faced by business. Established by two experienced bankers in 2013, the firm quickly gained a global reach via alliances forged with premier consultancies in Great Britain, the United States, and elsewhere.

With over twenty years of corporate experience in one of the world’s most competitive markets, Red & White Consulting Partners offers pinpoint accurate human, financial, manufacturing, and business analytics in addition to data-driven advice on business transformation.

Corporates aiming for the next level up, have engaged the firm to plot a course to success. Deriving inspiration from the maxim that failing to plan is planning to fail, the firm attaches great importance to establish carefully choreographed strategic vectors, extrapolated from data-based fact, along which businesses may expect to prosper. Wishful thinking is banned from all equations by a strict adherence to diagnostic processes that deconstruct the present in order to shape the future.

The judging panel applauds that thorough approach pioneered by the Singapore firm and is in no doubt that its active pursuit of data-driven business solutions significantly adds to overall efficiencies and sustainable growth. The judges are pleased to offer Red & White Consulting Partners the 2016 Best Business Transformation Consultancy Boutique Singapore Award.