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We offer a data-driven country report for Uruguay that explores
inter alia population, international trading relationships, energy consumption, GDP growth, current account balances, and R&D investment. Additionally, CFI quotes from the Big Mac Index (courtesy of
The Economist) which gives a rough idea of purchasing power parity. Other authoritative sources include The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, The World Bank, and The International Money Fund. Visit us regularly for updates and new sources of key economic information on Uruguay.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Its population in 2018 was 3,469,551 [1]
In 2015, 58.02% of its total energy
consumption was renewable [2]
In 2021, its GDP grew by 4.37% [2]
In 2021 it had a negative Current
Account Balance of US$bn 1.12 [3]
Its unemployment rate in 2021 was 9.40% [3]
Its Expenditure on R&D (as a percentage of
GDP) in 2019 was 0.48% [2]
A Big Mac will set you back the
local equivalent of US$4.31 [4]
What free trade areas or economic unions is it a member of?
Other members:
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
What trade deals are there between Southern Common Market and other countries and economic unions?
MERCOSUR - Egypt free trade agreement (from 23/02/2025)
MERCOSUR - Israel free trade agreement (from 23/02/2025)
MERCOSUR - Lebanon free trade agreement (from 23/02/2025)
MERCOSUR - State of Palestine free trade agreement (from 23/02/2025)
MERCOSUR - CAN free trade area (from 31/12/2003)
MERCOSUR - India partial scope agreement (from 01/06/2009)
MERCOSUR - SACU partial scope agreement (from 01/04/2016)
MERCOSUR - Mexico partial scope agreement (from 28/12/2016)
MERCOSUR - Chile partial scope agreement (from 10/03/2017)
What trade deals are there with other countries and economic unions?
Protocol on Trade Negotiations (from 11/02/1973)
Mexico - Uruguay free trade agreement (from 15/07/2004)
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