Otaviano Canuto, IMF: Whither Emerging Markets Foreign Exchange Reserves

After a exponential rise in foreign exchange reserves accumulation by emerging markets from 2000 onwards, the tide seems to have…

9 years ago

IFC: Climate Change – Threat and Opportunity for Private Sector

As world leaders met at the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to United Nations Framework Convention on…

9 years ago

CFI.co Picked as Knowledge Partner for AIM 2016 for the Second Time

CFI.co Picked as Knowledge Partner for AIM 2016 for the Second Time, alongside Investment Consulting Associates (ICA) and UN ESCWA.  The theme…

9 years ago

Keiko Honda, CEO MIGA: Crucial Role for Investment Guarantees

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), part of the World Bank Group, is a financial institution exclusively dedicated to political…

9 years ago

World Exchanges Agree Enhanced Sustainability Guidance

Guidance is culmination of year-long project by WFE’s Sustainability Working Group WFE sets out ‘material ESG metrics’ to include in…

9 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, IMF: Trade Opening Could Be a Source of Growth for Brazil

International trade has undergone a radical transformation in the past decades as production processes have fragmented along cross-border value chains.…

9 years ago

Jonathan May-Bowles: UK Uncut and Its Impact

Veteran protester, sometime anarchist, stand-up comedian, and expert pie handler Jonnie Marbles, officially known as Jonathan May-Bowles, talks to CFI.co…

9 years ago

Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: Emerging Markets Leverage ESG Strategy

Over the last decade, emerging market exchanges (EMEs) have outperformed the rest of the world in a few key ways…

9 years ago

World Bank Group: Should Oil Exporters Shift Capital Stock to Renewables?

As the Financial Times pointed out recently, oil companies such as ExxonMobil and Shell would, under measures considered for the…

10 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, IMF: How Commodity-Dependent Are Latin American Economies?

The end of the upswing phase of the commodity price super-cycle, after its peak in 2011, has lowered economic growth…

10 years ago