
Jerome Powell, Chair of the Federal Reserve: The End of Easy Money

It had to happen and it just did. The untold joys of expansive monetary policy as the engine of growth…

7 years ago

Ursula von der Leyen: Close Cooperation

The first woman to preside over Germany’s Ministry of Defence, Ursula von der Leyen was appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel…

7 years ago

EY Germany: Champion in Professional Services

When a company with over 10,000 employees is soon celebrating its 100th birthday, it doesn’t really run the risk of…

7 years ago Meets the EY Germany Management Team: Hubert Barth & Julie Linn Teigland

Hubert Barth Country Managing Partner EY Germany Hubert Barth (49) has over 25 years of experience in the professional services…

7 years ago

Peter Sloterdijk: Shaping a Multipolar National Debate

A prolific writer, publishing some sixty books over a career spanning four decades, German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk recently celebrated his…

7 years ago Meets the CEO and Founder of Kaiserwetter Energy Asset Management: Hanno Schoklitsch

Renewable energy investors need service providers that are familiar with the investment landscape at local level, can adapt to the…

8 years ago

Angela Merkel: Leader of the Free World

Playing nice gets results. Just ask Angela Merkel who became the undisputed leader of the free world after the US…

8 years ago

Behind the Scenes, Berlin and Beijing Are Forging a New World Order

Geopolitics are on the move with a possibly violent upheaval in the offing. Earlier this month, at the World Economic…

8 years ago

Michael Pettis: Money Is Not Created Out of Thin Air

A recurring conversation I have with clients concerns the ability of banks to create credit, and of governments to monetise debt,…

9 years ago Meets the CEO of WIR Finanzierer: Mark H van den Arend

Sometimes, all one needs is a break – lucky or otherwise. Mark H van den Arend got his one when…

10 years ago