
Emmanuel Macron: Perfect Timing

The fate of the European Union may well rest on his shoulders. Front-runner in the French election campaign, Emmanuel Macron…

8 years ago

France: Touch and Go

So far this year, Europe’s centre ground has held firm - sort of. After Dutch populist Geert Wilders in March…

8 years ago

Hermès: Corporate Savoir Vivre

Horse & Hound magazine recently rated the Hermès Cavale among its top ten saddles in the world – and at…

9 years ago Meets the CEO of Rothschild & Cie Gestion: Jean-Louis Laurens

Displaying a strong preference for the pursuit of returns over long investment cycles, Rothschild & Cie Gestion, one of France’s…

9 years ago

Michael Pettis: Money Is Not Created Out of Thin Air

A recurring conversation I have with clients concerns the ability of banks to create credit, and of governments to monetise debt,…

9 years ago Meets Akerton Partners: The Experience and Knowhow to Make a Difference

Francisco Camacho Francisco Camacho is a managing partner, and cofounder, of Akerton Partners. Mr Camacho has a degree in Economics…

9 years ago

Rachida Dati: Brawn and Brains French Style

Daring stiletto heels and perfectly-fitting leather trousers: Rachida Dati does not lack self-confidence. In fact, her composure is faultless. A…

10 years ago

A Synchrotron for Africa: Scientists Unite Behind Proposed Project

Of the world’s almost fifty synchrotron light sources, not a single one is to be found in Africa. That, however,…

10 years ago

Davos: Inequality Causes Concern, Few Expect Improvement

A semblance of calm has returned to Davos. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has finished this year’s proceedings and most…

10 years ago

Davos: Income and Wealth Inequality to Top Agenda

Davos – On the eve of its annual flagship meeting in the Swiss Alpine village Davos, the World Economic Forum…

10 years ago