
Overall Tax Cost and Compliance Burden Lower for Businesses around the World

Paying taxes has become easier over the past year for medium-sized companies around the world, the latest report from the…

10 years ago

Mukhisa Kituyi, UNCTAD: Sustainable Stock Exchanges and the 21st Century Challenge for Global Finance

Faced with common global economic, social, and environmental challenges, the international community is in the process of defining a set…

10 years ago

How Much Does Pollution Cost?

As it becomes increasingly necessary to reduce emissions, organizations and governments are looking for ways to compensate for the harmful…

10 years ago

From Lebanon to Brazil – Joseph Safra

A Global Presence The Safra family fortune – today expressed in billions of dollars – originated on the dusty tracks…

11 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Commodity Super Cycle to Stick Around a Bit Longer

Some analysts have predicted that the commodity price boom has played itself out. However, natural resource-based commodity prices (with the…

11 years ago

New Study Adds Up the Benefits of Climate-Smart Development in Lives, Jobs, and GDP

With careful design, the same development projects that improve communities, save lives, and increase GDP can also fight climate change.…

11 years ago

Nicholas Brady: Soccer Finance and the Pragmatist Who Fixed a Debt Crisis

Back in the days when a top-scoring soccer player could be enticed for a few million, Brazilian attacker Romario set…

11 years ago

Solar Power in Brazil: Waking Up to the Power of the Sun

Boosting Brazil’s deficient energy production with large-scale solar power would seem a no-brainer: Both the required vast tracts of land…

11 years ago

Michael Joseph: Banking for the Masses Fuels Mobile Networks

M-Pesa, mobile money, is the lasting legacy of Michael Joseph’s decade-long term as CEO of Safaricom, the largest mobile network…

11 years ago

IFC: Indonesia Needs Good Corporate Governance

Indonesia’s economy is facing tough challenges: A slowdown of gross domestic product growth, a depreciation of the rupiah and a…

11 years ago