
Vice-Prime Minister Kocho Angjushev: Pulling Macedonia Out of a Limbo and Into the European Union

What’s in a name? In the case of Macedonia, an entire country’s future. Macedonia, a candidate for accession to the…

6 years ago

enso GmbH: Investing in Hydro Power

Alternative Investment Fund Manager enso manages hydropower, the most efficient form of renewable energy. Investing in hydropower signifies investing in…

9 years ago

World Bank Supports SME Development with Focus on Financial Reporting in Europe and Central Asia

Ministers of Finance, business leaders, accounting professionals, and academics from Europe and Central Asia, together with representatives of the World…

11 years ago

IFC: Moving to Green Growth in Emerging Europe, Central Asia and the Greater Middle East

As global temperatures rise, weather patterns shift and natural disasters dominate headlines seemingly every other week, climate change has become…

11 years ago