Hadiyah Mujhid, CEO and founder of HBCU.vc: George Floyd’s Death Brought in Flood of VC Offers for Black Founders in US

4 years ago

Hadiyah Mujhid is CEO and founder of HBCU.vc, a not-for-profit organisation that helps African American and Hispanic students become technology…

China on the Way Back to Rebalancing

4 years ago

China’s economy keeps recovering from the coronavirus pandemic-led crisis through the third quarter of 2020, as revealed by the numbers…

Africa – Unity Key to Remarkable Success in Fighting Covid-19

4 years ago

The corona scare has passed, and most countries of Africa are reopening their borders and businesses. Infection rates never reached…

Perfect Storm Brewing: The Winter of Our Discontent

4 years ago

Winter is coming. Instead of setting the stage for another spell-binding episode of an epic television drama, the ominous phrase…

Otaviano Canuto: Dependency and Disconnect of U.S. Financial Markets

4 years ago

U.S. stock and corporate bond markets performed extraordinarily well from the March financial shock caused by covid-19 to the end…

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: UK Discovers the Hard Limits of Its ‘Newfound’ Sovereignty

4 years ago

It is not a good time to be a supporter of Brexit. If spin were a tradeable commodity, all would…

The Twilight Zone of Fiscal Stimulus

4 years ago

Now in its second iteration, the corona pandemic no longer inspires the blind fear it did just six months ago.…

Middle East – Business Trumps Politics

4 years ago

Joint business ventures, and the pragmatism required for success, laid the groundwork for the normalisation of relations between Israel and…

World Bank on COVID-19 in Africa: Can Safety Nets Ease Social and Economic Impacts?

4 years ago

Across the world, governments have geared up to respond to the socio-economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic. Early action in…

Vietnam – No Stopping Country on the Ascendancy

4 years ago

After two decades of recording full employment and boisterous growth rates, Vietnam has taken a significant, though far from fatal,…