Rosabeth Moss Kanter: A Glowing Academic Career that Defies Attempts at Abbreviation

4 years ago

The problem of profiling Rosabeth Moss Kanter, holder of the Ernest L Arbuckle Professorship at Harvard Business School, is trying…

Rubicon Leadership Driven by Passion to Put an End to Waste

4 years ago

Rubicon is a software platform with a mission: to end waste. It provides smart recycling solutions for businesses and governments…

Rubicon’s Mission is Inclusive, and More Important Now than Ever

4 years ago

Every service that Rubicon provides, every line of code in the software that it creates, and every interaction that it…

Hard-Hit but Striking Back: Dubai Finds Correct Balance

4 years ago

Last year, Dubai registered a sharp decline in its population. Almost eight of every 100 inhabitants left the country as…

Kaan Terzioğlu, Co-CEO of VEON: The Privilege of Connecting Lives and Livelihoods

4 years ago

"We touch millions of people every day: their lives, their businesses. And, especially during the Covid era, it is clear…

Sergi Herrero, Co-CEO of VEON: Product as Mission

4 years ago

"The distinctions between telecoms, technology and data companies are vanishing rapidly. What lies ahead of us is seamless digital opportunity."…

IBM Thought Leadership: Transform Bank Business Models and Client Engagement With Open Hybrid Multicloud

4 years ago

Paolo Sironi is the global research leader in Banking and Financial Markets at IBM, Institute of Business Value. IBV is…

Katia Coudray, CEO of Asteria Investment Managers: Leading from the Front, Keeping Focus on Specific Goals

4 years ago

Asteria Investment Managers chief executive Katia Coudray is a leader who has proven her mettle many times over. She has…

South Africa Teetering on the Edge of Political and Economic Precipice

4 years ago

Keep South Africa Safe: the slogan is stamped on President Cyril Ramaphosa’s favourite facemask, and could refer to more than…

Free Trade in Retreat in Europe due to Environmental and Labour Standards

4 years ago

The EU free trade baton, carried by the UK until Brexit, has been relayed to the Stockholm Six of like-minded…