Tipa Nawawattanasub, CEO of YLG Group: Driving Group to Golden Greatness

3 years ago

Tipa Nawawattanasub is the chief executive of YLG Group, a family-owned company in Thailand. Thanks to its expertise and experience,…

Connection and Separation: How Social Media Shape Our World

3 years ago

It’s barely 25 years since SixDegrees.com launched the world’s first practical social networking site. It was named after the Six…

In Search of Lost Time: Mapping the Chip on Russia’s Shoulder

3 years ago

Before the shooting starts anew, let’s mention the war. Not the war we know, but the one that lives on…

Market Volatility as Push (Slowly) Comes to Shove: Grappling with a Multitude of Crises in an Increasingly Dangerous World

3 years ago

Central bankers seem caught between their natural inclination to get a grip on inflation and a fear of abruptly deflating…

‘ESG Principles Inform Everything We Do,’ says Founder of AUM Asset Management Ltd. Jean-François de Clermont-Tonnerre

3 years ago

As a results-driven investment manager that seeks consistent growth of clients' wealth over time, AUM Asset Management Ltd. (“AUM”) defies…

Thai Lee: Avoiding All the Spotlights

3 years ago

You may not have heard of Thai Lee, but Google her name and it becomes clear that news of her…

Jenny Just: The Deck Should Be Stacked — with Tech

3 years ago

US entrepreneur and fintech disruptor Jenny Just believes that girls should be taught to play poker. It’s a game that…

Taiwan’s Chunghwa Telecom Takes Private 5G Tech to the Next Level

3 years ago

The pandemic has negatively affected enterprises in many ways — but it has also accelerated digital transformation in Taiwan’s activity…

Women’s Brain Project – Shattering the Status Quo: Investing in Women in STEM

3 years ago

Representation matters. The now classic TV show The X-Files starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson inspired more women to pursue…

No Gloating on First Anniversary of DC Riots: Misguided Republican Anger at a Beneficial Electoral System

3 years ago

She called it a “beautiful sight to behold” when student protesters stormed the building that houses the Hong Kong Legislative…