Replacing Aid with Trade

12 years ago

Modern India, boasting its own space programme spends 70 billion pounds annually in fighting poverty and no longer needs British…

European Commission: Helping SMEs Seize Global Opportunities

12 years ago

The priority for Europe now is to overcome the crisis boosting competitiveness and growth. Fast growing emerging markets such as…

Janamitra Devan: The Innovation Imperative

12 years ago

Overcoming the Myths and Recognizing the Realities of Innovation, Job Creation and Prosperity By Janamitra Devan Innovation drives competitiveness, and…

Hitting the Middle Classes by Taxing the Rich

12 years ago

The Paradox of Taxation The latest tax figures from Britain make interesting reading. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs reported a…

France and the Changing Face of Economic Power

12 years ago

The recent statement by France’s minister for industrial Recovery is not going to help France to continue to attract investment from…

UN Security Council Urges Wider Role for Women’s Groups in Peace Efforts

12 years ago

The Security Council has called on the international community to give women’s civil society organizations a prominent role in the…

Balancing Act in Tunisia

12 years ago

In 2011, popular protests in Tunisia rid the country of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and towards year end Moucef Marzouki…

What has the Internet Done for the Economy?

12 years ago

The puzzling spread of the commercial Internet could explain wage inequalities. By Virginia Hughes. Based on the research of Christopher Forman,…

Dr. Jackson Urges an Holistic Perpective

12 years ago

Few would deny that parts of the capitalist system – in particular its banking and financial services - are in…

IMF | Gulf Cooperation Council: Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges for the GCC Countries

12 years ago

Executive Summary The already sluggish global recovery has suffered new setbacks and uncertainty weighs heavily on prospects. The euro area…