Bentley Motors Middle East: World’s Biggest Workshop in Dubai

12 years ago

Sales In March this year, Bentley Motors announced its financial results for the year ending 31 December 2012, reporting a…

Ibukun Awosika: An Inspiration to Nigerian Entrepreneurs

12 years ago

Mrs Ibukun Awosika exemplifies the Nigerian entrepreneurial spirit, represents the true face of Nigerian business and highlights the opportunities that…

Hero Kapila: Remembering Darfur

12 years ago

The whistleblower that exposes misconduct in organisations is becoming more and more important to society and has a protected and…

Dr Ramphele: Opposing the ANC

12 years ago

This year, Mamplela Ramphele, aged 65, formed Agang (Build) a political party to oppose the African National Congress (ANC). She…

Ursula Burns: Driving Change at Xerox

12 years ago

Ursula Burns has a certain prominence in our minds because she became the first African-American woman to run a Fortune…

CBI: Encouraging Signs from the UK Jobs Market

12 years ago

The CBI commented last week on the latest official labour market data, showing that employment grew by 16,000 and unemployment…

IMF: Sri Lanka Has the Potential

12 years ago

On July 9, Anoop Singh, Director of the IMF’s Asia Pacific Department, delivered the keynote speech at the inauguration of…

World Bank: Efforts for Better Land Governance in Africa

12 years ago

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to nearly half of the world’s usable, uncultivated land but so far the continent has not…

UN Says Bangladesh Labour Laws Fall Short of International Standards

12 years ago

The United Nations labour agency today on Monday 22nd July that amendments to the Bangladesh Labour Act “will hopefully prove…

World Bank: Philippines Poised for More and Better Jobs

12 years ago

By Axel Van Trotsenburg, World Bank Vice President for East Asia and Pacific If the first quarter of this year…