Experts Debate Dubai’s Post-Recession Property Boom – Another Bubble or Sustained Recovery?

11 years ago

More than 750 senior real estate professionals prepped for Global Real Estate Summit and MENA Mortgage and Affordable Housing Congress…

Angola: Powering A Booming Economy with Renewables

11 years ago

Alternative, renewable energy is not merely an afterthought in oil-rich Angola as the country seeks to diversify its booming economy.…

Moving into Pakistan Big Time: China to Invest Serious Money

11 years ago

China has the money and is not afraid to invest it in Pakistan. The Chinese Water & Electric Corporation (CWE)…

A Flash in the Pan Fizzles Out: The Downfall of a Brazilian Tycoon

11 years ago

Playing the markets and getting at the mega-bucks with financial wizardry does not a businessman make: Brazil’s flamboyant Eike Batista…

Barking Up the Wrong Tree in St. Petersburg: G20 Hijacked by Syria Conflict

11 years ago

The world leaders gathered today in St. Petersburg for the G20 summit were supposed to discuss the slowdown of global…

Small Egypt Farmers Catch the Eye of Agribusiness: IFAD Finds Key to Success

11 years ago

Twenty-odd years ago, groups of dispossessed farmers and unemployed youth were resettled on smallholdings in Upper Egypt. Authorities told the…

Christopher Colford, World Bank: Competitive Cities Can Meet the Challenge of Job Creation

11 years ago

Focusing policies on competitive industries can provide jobs for the impoverished, hungry, restive urban millions As magnets for talent and…

The Limitless Power of Latin America: Renewables to Light Up a Continent

11 years ago

In Latin America, renewable energy can supply up to 22 times the region’s power needs, even taking into consideration future…

Uttar Pradesh, India: Water Management Key to Reducing Poverty

12 years ago

For good governance to fully contribute to and enable sustainable development, it needs an institutional framework through which sensible policies…

IFC – International Finance Corporation: Eliminating Poverty, One Loan at a Time

12 years ago

The famed Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto has said it all along: The world’s destitute are oftentimes somewhat less poor…