Solar Power in Brazil: Waking Up to the Power of the Sun

Boosting Brazil’s deficient energy production with large-scale solar power would seem a no-brainer: Both the required vast tracts of land…

10 years ago

IFC: Moving to Green Growth in Emerging Europe, Central Asia and the Greater Middle East

As global temperatures rise, weather patterns shift and natural disasters dominate headlines seemingly every other week, climate change has become…

10 years ago

Michael Joseph: Banking for the Masses Fuels Mobile Networks

M-Pesa, mobile money, is the lasting legacy of Michael Joseph’s decade-long term as CEO of Safaricom, the largest mobile network…

10 years ago

Ernst & Young, Argentina: Tax Reform Affects Stocks and Dividends

On September 23 of last year a law (nr. 26,893) was introduced which significantly amend the Argentine income tax law.…

10 years ago

Fatema Mernissi: Beyond the Veil – A Seismic Shift in Islamic Society

An Islamic feminist may seem a contradiction in terms, but Fatema Mernissi is anything but. This Moroccan author and sociologist…

10 years ago

IFC: Indonesia Needs Good Corporate Governance

Indonesia’s economy is facing tough challenges: A slowdown of gross domestic product growth, a depreciation of the rupiah and a…

10 years ago

Inez Murray: Women in Business – Bankers Advised to Take Note

Getting banks to notice women is quite the challenge. Whereas research consistently shows that women are exceedingly good at managing…

10 years ago

Bitcoin – Chronicle of a Failure Foretold

Transaction malleability – a fraudulent, though most lucrative, way of receiving money without anyone actually sending it – is driving…

10 years ago

Chinua Achebe (1930-2013): A Great Tree Has Fallen

In the mid-20th century Africa was starting once more to find its own voice, having been gagged by centuries of…

10 years ago

World Bank: Helping Electrification Efforts in DRC

Sub-Saharan Africa is blessed with large hydropower resources that can bring electricity to homes, power businesses and industry, light clinics…

10 years ago