World Bank Reaffirms Commitment to the People of Egypt and the Country’s Development Priorities

10 years ago

World Bank Regional Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa, Inger Andersen, affirmed support to the people of…

Professor Mary Beard: Every Inch a Fascinating Woman

10 years ago

Mary Beard, professor of Classics at Newham College, Cambridge, is quite unusual. She is one of very few academics to…

Mr Cameron Throws a Tantrum and Loses an Agenda

11 years ago

Politics must surely be one of the most fascinating of art forms. The levels of spin employed by artists to…

United Kingdom – Splitting Rage Takes Root

11 years ago

For all admiration the British nation inspires, anglophiles and others slightly less impressed are wondering what is wrong with the…

Matteo Renzi to the Rescue? European Union – Looking for a Leader to Reassert Its Role

11 years ago

To the pundits and other talking heads who wrote off Europe as a spent force: You ain’t seen nothing yet!…

Making Every Drop Count: Reducing Water Loss in the Middle East and North Africa Region

11 years ago

The problem of water loss has become an even greater challenge for public utilities throughout the Middle East and North…

Elon Musk: A Man on a Mission

11 years ago

Philanthropist, self-made multibillionaire, technological genius and indeed a dreamer: The list goes on. These are some of the marks and…

FACRA: How Investors Can Help Build SMEs in Angola – The Missing Middle

11 years ago

By any measure, small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) form a crucial part of any nation’s economic success. Typically, SME’s…

World Water Week Seeks Solutions to Water and Energy Challenges

11 years ago

Water is needed in almost all energy generation processes. At the same time, the water sector needs energy to extract,…

From Haiti to Canada – Michaëlle Jean: A Viceroy from the Caribbean

11 years ago

The world over, Canada enjoys a reputation as a country most welcoming to immigrants. Newcomers are not just welcomed with…