Deutsche Börse and Thai Exchange Join Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative

10 years ago

The Deutsche Börse is the latest of a growing number of stock exchanges that have joined the United Nations-supported Sustainable…

Angela Merkel: Managing Europe’s Manifest Destiny

10 years ago

The job of German chancellor is not one for the faint of heart. It all boils down to leading one…

Mukhisa Kituyi, UNCTAD: Sustainable Stock Exchanges and the 21st Century Challenge for Global Finance

10 years ago

Faced with common global economic, social, and environmental challenges, the international community is in the process of defining a set…

Johannesburg Stock Exchange: Pioneering Sustainable Development

10 years ago

Shifting attention away from the next quarter’s results towards sustainability parameters indicative of long-term objectives, has been a challenge for…

Europe’s Original Sin and the Dangers of Doing Good

10 years ago

Carlos Rangel, the Venezuelan diplomat and essayist, once pointedly remarked that western nations often send their failed politicians – the…

Dr Rachid Yazami: A Battery-Powered Future

10 years ago

Dr Rachid Yazami almost single-handedly invented a global business now worth some $15bn annually. But, he’s not in it for…

Noam Chomsky: Unravelling Established Truths

10 years ago

It is hard, if not downright impossible, to gain the upper hand in a debate with a logician who is…

World Bank Supports Increased Financing for Medium & Small Businesses in Nigeria

10 years ago

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$500 million International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) credit…

New Report Identifies Major Clean-Tech Market Opportunity for Small Businesses in Developing Countries

10 years ago

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries can generate significant growth and create jobs by seizing a potential $1.6…

New UN Report Calls for Major Changes in Global Economic Governance, Management

10 years ago

Six years after the start of the global economic and financial crisis, the world economy has still not found a…