WB, Vietnam Sign US$ 500 Million Loan to Improve Energy Efficiency

10 years ago

Hanoi, November, 2014 – The State Bank of Vietnam and the World Bank today signed a US$ 500 million loan…

PJ O’Rourke: One of the Last of the Gonzo Journalists

10 years ago

A gonzo-style journalist par excellence, PJ O’Rourke will seldom fail to tackle serious societal issues with sarcastic humour and some…

Working Together to Boost Innovation in Central Europe and the Baltics

10 years ago

Innovation is a critical driver of long-term economic growth and the right public policies are crucial to boost innovation. Through…

Executives: Smart Carbon Pricing Policies Can Drive Investment in a Cleaner Future

10 years ago

The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report warns of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 70 percent…

Hernando de Soto: Unlocking the Riches of the Poor

10 years ago

Most of the world’s poor may be slightly less destitute than it appears. However, officialdom often unwittingly conspires to keep…

Set Up for Failure: UK Prime-Minister Approaching Point of No Return

10 years ago

Be careful what you wish for. As UK Prime-Minister David Cameron bravely insists on pushing through far-reaching reforms of the…

University of Chicago Booth School of Business: Questioning the Economic Effects of a Booming Real Estate Market

10 years ago

Strong house price growth fuels economic activity during expansions, and the ensuing slowdown in housing often precipitates severe crashes. Almost…

Elif Shafak: Exposing the Moralising Slappers

10 years ago

Born in 1971 to a diplomat mother and philosopher father, Elif Shafak was destined for intellectual greatness. She did not…

IREIS 2014 to Offer Unique Investment Opportunities

10 years ago

Event to Facilitate Real Transactions in Key Global Markets In Middle East, Europe and Asea Pacific Abu Dhabi-UAE: October, 2014…

Nigerian Stock Exchange Becomes a Full Member of World Federation of Exchanges

10 years ago

October, 2014, Seoul, Korea: The Nigerian Stock Exchange (“the NSE”), today, announced that it received a unanimous vote for admission…