The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today an International Development Association (IDA)* financing in the amount of US$50…
To stabilize warming at less than 2 degrees Celsius, as the international community agreed in 2009, the world will have…
BEIJING - China has the world’s largest and still expanding high-speed rail (HSR) network, but whether ridership would materialize has been…
A sweet new partnership between the United Nations, the Colombian and Austrian Governments and a renowned chocolate manufacturer is slated…
The main objective of Accountancy Development for Results (ADR) is to raise awareness among leaders of the accountancy profession of…
WASHINGTON - The World Bank today approved approximately $1.1 billion for three projects in Bangladesh that would benefit almost 36 million…
As religious fanaticism increases, “the scroll of faith becomes indistinguishable from the roll call of death.” Nigerian poet and playwright…
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a two-loan package today totaling US$1.4 billion to strengthen economic growth with…
New World Bank Group tool focuses on preparedness for potential future crises. International prices of food decreased by 6 percent…
Global economic growth is forecast to continue increasing over the next two years, the United Nations reported today, despite legacies…