Natalia Vodianova: Rags to Riches Russian Style

10 years ago

Her face has graced the cover of all the major magazines, from Cosmopolitan to Marie Claire to Vogue in its…

A Memorable Faux Pas: Warren Buffett Gets His Facts Wrong

10 years ago

Billionaire investor guru Warren Buffett has come to the defence of the American Dream – the promise of intergenerational upward…

Stealth at the Helm: The Manifest Destiny of Angela Merkel

10 years ago

As the Greek debt crisis inches to its climax, the euro’s guardians soften their tone of voice; not quite so…

DEG: Turkey – Growth Market and Bridge to the East

10 years ago

Turkey was long considered especially promising in the group of emerging-market countries. However, political developments and Turkey’s susceptibility to recent…

Graf Henckel von Donnersmarck: Life outside the Comfort Zone

10 years ago

You have geniuses and then you have Florian Maria Georg Christian Graf Henckel von Donnersmarck; filmmaker extraordinaire, fluent in five…

Nigeria: An Economic Upswing Foretold

10 years ago

Oil prices have rebounded from their recent lows and may yet provide temporary relief to Nigeria, allowing the incoming administration…

Ten Guiding Principles to Encourage Foreign Direct Investment

10 years ago

Worldwide, foreign direct investment (FDI) volumes are shortly expected to breach the $3tn mark – representing fully 4% of the…

Martha Lane-Fox: Dot Everyone to Reclaim the Net for Civil Society

10 years ago

Seeking succour for the digitally-challenged, Britain’s Martha Lane-Fox – or Baroness Lane-Fox of Soho as she is known around Westminster…

Ross Jackson: A Silver Lining to Europe’s Troubles

10 years ago

As we await the outcome of the four-month extension of the Greek credit arrangement with the Troika (EU, IMF, ECB),…

Grant Thornton: Governance vs Corporate Governance

10 years ago

When we hear the term “corporate governance”, we instantaneously parallel the phrase with rules and procedures, stock market regulations, codes,…