
Small Egypt Farmers Catch the Eye of Agribusiness: IFAD Finds Key to Success

Twenty-odd years ago, groups of dispossessed farmers and unemployed youth were resettled on smallholdings in Upper Egypt. Authorities told the…

11 years ago

Christopher Colford, World Bank: Competitive Cities Can Meet the Challenge of Job Creation

Focusing policies on competitive industries can provide jobs for the impoverished, hungry, restive urban millions As magnets for talent and…

11 years ago

The Limitless Power of Latin America: Renewables to Light Up a Continent

In Latin America, renewable energy can supply up to 22 times the region’s power needs, even taking into consideration future…

11 years ago

Uttar Pradesh, India: Water Management Key to Reducing Poverty

For good governance to fully contribute to and enable sustainable development, it needs an institutional framework through which sensible policies…

11 years ago

IFC – International Finance Corporation: Eliminating Poverty, One Loan at a Time

The famed Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto has said it all along: The world’s destitute are oftentimes somewhat less poor…

11 years ago

Bangladesh: Steadily Moving Up without Beating the Drum

Skipping the usual ado and almost silently, Bangladesh is moving up the ladder and surpassing its local peers in a…

11 years ago

The Equator Principles: Banking on Sustainability

Financial institutions worldwide are increasingly benchmarking their larger investment projects to the Equator Principles of social and environmental risk assessment.…

11 years ago

Revamping the Gezira Scheme: Sudan Seeks Food Security with Rice

A single grain of rice can tip the scale. It may also contribute to the realisation of food security in…

11 years ago

Shareholder Value: Outdated and an Obstacle to Corporate Success

The pursuit of increased shareholder value is much overrated, may hurt corporations and is certainly not the legal requirement some…

11 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: China, Brazil – Two Tales of a Growth Slowdown

China and Brazil are both facing a growth slowdown, as compared to the period prior to the global financial crisis.…

11 years ago