
Connie Hedegaard, EU Commissioner for Climate Action: Breaking Europe’s Imported Fossil Fuels Addiction

Europe is by far the largest importer of fossil fuel in the world. Recent developments in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq…

11 years ago

Christopher Colford: Speed Bumps Along the Road to Competitiveness

Egypt’s Self-Inflicted Limits on Economic Efficiency. It’s an axiom of economic policy: The future belongs to the efficient. In a…

11 years ago Meets the CEO of Makhtag: Muhammad Halim Fidai

Former governor Muhammad Halim Fidai of the Wardak Province in Afghanistan is not impressed with the way his country is…

11 years ago

Urban Energy Efficiency Key to Mexico’s Ambitious Goals for Energy and Low Carbon Growth

Mexico sees urban energy efficiency as critical for sustainable growth, livable cities and competitiveness Ministry of Energy rolls out national…

11 years ago

The World Bank Called for Tighter Economic Policies to Restore Economic Stability

In its newly released Mongolia Economic Update, the World Bank said that the Mongolian economy is facing challenges from the…

11 years ago

Bracing for Climate Change: Managing the Unavoidable and Avoiding the Unmanageable

Climate change is already happening: 900 extreme events were registered across the world last year and in Bulgaria, the frequency…

11 years ago

Boosting Trade Competitiveness Key for Sustained Growth in Malaysia

Malaysia's economy is expected to grow by 5.4% in 2014 and 4.6% in 2015, according to a new World Bank…

11 years ago

Achieving Green Growth in FYR Macedonia

World Bank presents its FYR Macedonia Green Growth Country Assessment The World Bank today presented its FYR Macedonia Green Growth Country Assessment, a…

11 years ago

Tanzania Could Create Many New Jobs by Harnessing its Rapid Urban Expansion

Tanzania could create large numbers of new, productive jobs for its people, especially young men and women, if policy makers…

11 years ago

UN Reports FDI Hit $1.4 Trillion in 2013, Upward Trend to Continue

Global foreign direct investment is up and expected to rise over the next three years, driven mainly by stronger economies…

11 years ago