
Business in Times of Corona: Avoid the Herd and Hold the Line

In times of crisis, when circumstance conspires against clarity and doom inspires basic instinct, philosophy becomes a beacon of reason.…

5 years ago

OECD: Private Finance for Sustainable Development

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría opened the third edition of the annual PF4SD Conference, highlighting the urgent need to step up…

5 years ago

Coronavirus Fears Put Stocks in Correction Territory

After the U.S. stock market had been largely unaffected by the coronavirus outbreak in China, things took a turn for the worse…

5 years ago

UNOG on Perception Change Project (PCP): What Does the PCP Do for SDGs?

Negative news dominating the headlines leads people to believe that the state of the World is worsening. This is a…

5 years ago

Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: SDG Awareness and Action – A Report From the Global Exchange Community

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems by the year 2030, but progress…

5 years ago

Q&A with the Executive Secretary of the UNCDF: Judith Karl

How would you sum up in three single words what characterises your team at UNCDF? Innovative Nimble Trusted What are…

5 years ago

Clarion Call to Unite Behind Push to Achieve SDG Targets

In September 2019, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced a Decade of Action for the SDGs — a clarion call to…

5 years ago

Customer Commandments and Importance of the ‘R’ in CSR: Ignore this at your Peril

The Ethical Business Book by Sarah Duncan Reviewed by John Foot Sarah Duncan is to be congratulated on producing The…

5 years ago

Implementing the UN SDGs: A Job for Everyone, Everywhere

Everyone seems to agree that the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) make perfect sense. Countries and companies, individuals and industries…

5 years ago

UNOPS: Quality Infrastructure is Central to Sustainable Development

By Grete Faremo Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS As human beings, we go through our lives using infrastructure without…

5 years ago